Hmmmmmm……looks like the little bitch cowards time might be up at the British Columbia Securities Commission….

Today it was reported to us the Olubode Fagbamiye (one of the biggest cowards EVER to walk the face of the Earth) has either been terminated or has left the comforts of his push-over job at the BCSC.   We checked his status at the Law Society of BC and he is NOT registered as a lawyer in the Province.

Where are you at BIG BODE???

Freedom of Information (FOI) requests will be sent to the FOI division of the BCSC to determine whether the information we received today is true – that being said, as we have reported in other posts in this blog, Fagbamiye is now the last idiot that worked on our file from 2013-2015 and was part of our allegations of acting in bad faith.   he know what truly went on with respect to the investigation into our file and the allegation of tampering with the documents to suite their theory of the case.    Others, including the Executive Director (Paul Bourque), Lead Investigator (Liz Chan), Litigation Counsel (C. Paige Legatt), Director of Enforcement (Theresa Mitchell-Banks) have all been fired or terminated since our matter was brought forward.

Again, we reiterate – Fagbamiye would be the last person at the BCSC that worked the case against us.     Think about it for a moment – why is he gone now too?

Olubode Fagamiye – I know you read my blog on a regular basis.   Do you think now it is time you finally tell the truth?    Time for a beer?      Probably not – you will undoubtably continue living the way you have in the last 7 years – head in the sand with ZERO future in life!!  Fuck you – Coward!!   

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