It appears more discontent is heading the way of the Staff running the BCSC. In what can only be described as a very embarrassing video for Staff at the BCSC, the Principles behind Mountain Star Gold entered the offices of the BCSC in Vancouver with their legal representatives from Chile and a group of their investors – and issued legal documents alleging Staff (Roy Leon – Senior Compliance Officer and Shawn McColm – Staff Litigator) were involved in fraudulent activity with regards to Mountain Star. Implicit in their allegations are actions of big wigs at Barrick Gold, including former Prime Ministers Brian Mulroney and Stephen Harper.
Source: YouTube
As with many other current situations – the people of the World are waking up and standing up to corruption in government run agencies. As we have said before, the Staff at the BCSC are not above the law and MUST be held accountable for some very poor decisions made in the recent past. This story is going to get bigger and bigger considering who’s in play.
Not a good time to be at the BCSC!