Jean#4Jean#2Jean #3


In November 2014, the the Chair of the BCSC (Ms. Linda Leong) launched the latest Fraudster Fighter video that featured a character (known as Jean) sitting on the coach with her son who was a recent victim of investment fraud.    The video starts out by her son explaining his story and then Mom starts into a daydream where she runs through the streets of Vancouver (doing all kinds of stupid jumps and back flips) and ends up at a highrise condominium.    She then knocks on a door and as the person (known as David) answers and she states, “Hello David….” as she rolls up here sleeve on her shirt.   The video implies she is there to physically hit him, leaving no doubt that is why she is there.  This still goes down as one of the most disgusting things we have ever seen.    What a waste of capital – this is your BC government at work.

[Click on the Link…]

Fraudster Fighter Video

Here is the YOUTUBE link to the newest version of the video – this has been edited from the video that first appeared – instead of going up to his residence you will see she now only goes to one of his seminars and makes comments.    Interesting enough though, is now when her son wakes her up from her day dream she still says, “What?  He deserves it”  See the terrible editing at:


We are sending the Freedom of Information of BC (https://www.oipc.bc.ca ) office a request to see if we can obtain a copy of the original video.   If we are successful in obtaining a copy, we will post it in a future post.


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