Have any of you looked at the BCSC’s INVEST RIGHT Twitter page lately? Why is everyone so happy? Are these investors (and their brokers) really that happy with the BCSC? Are these photos of real people that are owed the millions and millions of restitution/disgorgement orders issued by the BCSC in the last few years?
Why has the BCSC went “HOLLYWOOD” with the smoke and mirrors routine with their latest ad campaigns? Do you think the expressions on these peoples faces really represent what is happening in BC’s capital markets? Is their motto, “INVEST WITH A BCSC REGISTERED ADVISOR (or is it Adviser?) AND YOU WILL BE HAPPY LIKE THESE PEOPLE?” Even the name BCSC INVEST RIGHT has its own hidden message – if you want to Invest Right then come on down to the BCSC!! At a minimum – it is misleading by nature! Take a look….
The bottom line is that they are failing the people of BC – specifically in the capital market – they have done very little to protect the people of this province from becoming victims – and it has been going on for years! They want you to think everything is perfect when it is not….if they wanted to be accurate, they should show real emotions of investors that have lost everything. Show people that are not actors (or models) that are dealing with real life.
The people at the BCSC are the real scam artist. Their ads are so misleading – follow us and your investments will be perfect! Look at the pictures again! It’s horrendous that their twitter followers are bombarded daily with these misleading, bullshit posts.
WAKE UP! Or they are NEVER going to change!