For over 15 months now I have tried to get answers on behalf of the the former investors in both Falls Capital Corp and Deercrest Construction Fund with respect to my allegations that wanna-be lawyers Olubode Fagbamiye and C. Paige Leggat manipulated the key document relied upon in the hearing that took place in April 2014.  Leggat’s personal friend has told me that she left the commission because of my allegation that she manipulated the document – and didn’t want to deal with any possible ramifications.    That’s that definition of a coward!

   C. Paige Leggat 

In addition, I (along with a few of the former investors) have contacted Staff (namely Executive Director – the flip-flopping Peter Brady) in an attempt to find out why the Settlement Agreement sent to Fagbamiye and Leggat was not even put in front of the only person that could have accepted it…instead the scumbag Leggat indicated they only way I could enter into a Settlement Agreement was if I admitted ALL allegations the clowns at the BCSC brought forward during their PATHETIC investigation in 2012 and 2013 – by the elusive Elizabeth “Liz” Chan, which led to allegations being brought forward by the Executive Director Paul Bourque.

In a comedy of errors – Leggat, Chan, and Bourque have all left the BCSC or have been fired!

Elizabeth “Liz” Chan

Paul Bourque

To all Staff at the BCSC – you are all cowards and it will be my absolute pleasure telling my story over the next few months!!

You have a leader in Chair Brenda Leong that will not even defend her Staff and deny my allegations to be accurate.    She is a phony and it is my hope that she is kicked to the curb by the new government in the near future.   What is she hiding and why will she not reply to our emails – including those from the former investors – the ones that she is suppose to be protecting.

 Brenda Leong


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