What can only be described as BIZARRE, we have recently came across some of the craziest information thus far into our exposure of the Staff at the BCSC…

Last week, we decided to lodge a formal complaint with the Ethics Commissioner of the Certified Professional Accounts of British Columbia (“CPABC”) with respect to Elizabeth Chan’s actions (or lack of actions) in her role as the lead investigator in our matter.  It is our opinion that she was the person that completed a significant portion of the accounting in which other Staff (including Executive Director Paul Bourque) relied upon when bringing the allegations of the $5.45 million fraud.    Her math was horrendous and was proven to be in the hearing room as the Panel threw out some 94% of it in their decision.

Investigator Chan WAS a Certified General Accountant (“CGA”) at the time and they are held to what appears to by a very high level.   A simple review of the Chartered Professional Accountants Act / CPA Code of Professional Conduct (the “Act”) we easily find:


Our assertion is that Investigator Chan knew (or ought to have known) that she was giving her superiors the wrong information when the brought allegations (in the exact dollar amount) that she prepared.   She admitted on the stand that she was the one who prepared the documents presented at the hearing – she had to have known they were “false or misleading”.   We think Investigator Chan is the scumbag that intentionally brought wrong information that formed the allegation of the $5.45 million fraud.

In cross-examination, she admitted several times to knowing of other key information that she neglected (or simply omitted) from the work she prepared.  According to the Act (in which she MUST adhere to) she is in complete breach of the Act.

Now, this is where the story gets truly bizarre!   When we were researching and trying to determine where we could lodge our complaint of Investigator Chan we came across a document on the internet titled “2014-2015 Report to the Public” that was prepared by the CPABC.   By clicking on the link above you will see on page 11 (under the complaints section) the name of Liz Chan and Ed Tanaka.   Liz Chan is designated as a Director, Ethics and Mr. Tanaka is designated as a Director, Ethics & Documentation.

On September 24, 2016, we sent the complaint letter ( letter-to-cpabc-elizabeth-chan-redacted ) to their office for their review and comment.   Only a few days later, we found out that the complaint officer Liz Chan is none other than the Elizabeth Chan (from the BCSC) who we were lodging our complaint about.   We came across Liz Chan’s bio in another publication  and can confirm this is her from the picture and the wording of the bio.

bcsc-liz-chanSource: Joomag.com

So, we now have a complaint into an office where Liz Chan works about a Elizabeth Chan who use to work at the BCSC?   We can’t make this stuff up!   We followed up with a phone call to the CPABC offices and the receptionist indicated she had never heard of an Liz Chan (or even an Elizabeth Chan) in that office.   From what we can tell Chan started working at the CPABC office in April 2014 (the same month as our hearing) and was terminated/or quit sometime thereafter – many months ago.  By reviewing the member look-up option on their site, we can see that Chan still holds her designation as a CGA in the Province of BC.

We did receive an email from a Nancy Lis (from the CPABC office) indicating she did receive our complaint and will formally respond this coming week.   We very much look forward to hearing back from them and to see if they are going to go after one of their own.

As the World Turns down at the Commission – as we said yesterday, why the mass exodus from the Commission?   This is the 4th person that had a part in bringing the false allegations of a $5.45 million fraud against the Respondents that has been fired or resigned from the BCSC.  If it looks like a rat….smells like a rat…it is more than likely a rat!

One theory, is that the superiors at the BCSC were outraged by the work of Chan that lead to a $5.45 million fraud being unproven by a Respondent that did not even have a lawyer.   They spent A LOT of time and money on bringing the case to hearing and did not get their big fancy $20 million in fines and restitution – somebody had to take a fall and why not the person who had conduct on the file??

We need answers – and they cannot come quick enough!  But in the meantime, we can’t help but wonder why Elizabeth Chan or Liz Chan (or whatever she decides to call herself this time) cannot seem to keep a job…and we certainly wonder how she will act when she cannot hide behind the power of her badge any longer….

EDIT NOTE:  Since we wrote the blog on November 3, 2016, sources confirm Ms. Chan left the CPABC offices in August of 2015.  Where she works currently remains a mystery!  



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